Now that you've submitted your nomination and your manifesto, it's time to start putting your campaign together. Campaigning is how you interact with voters (e.g. all the current Society members) and how you convince them to vote for you!
We've seen some brilliant examples of campaigning in the past and everyone has a different style. Below we've put together some tips on how you can run a successful digital campaign.
Understanding Your Campaign - Your campaign should follow the five W's;
- Who are you?
- What are you running for?
- Why should someone vote for you?
- When can they do this?
- Where can they do this?
Make use of YOUR social media - A great way of campaigning is to use your social media to let people know you're running and what you stand for. Don't create a new account as Society members who don't follow it won't see your amazing ideas. Use your own social media channels and tell people about your campaign. You can create great graphics using Don't forget to create content that appeals to your audience!
Make a Campaign Video - Another great way of using social media is to make a campaign video. It doesn't have to be the next Avengers film! It just needs to be you speaking to the camera about the five W's we mentioned above! Videos are a great opportunity to show your personality and the unique spark that only you can bring to your Society.
Have a Catchy Slogan - An effective slogan is short and to the point! Don't overcomplicate it.
'Can I Be Your Second Choice?' - We use SVT (Single Transferrable Voting). The truth is not everyone is going to vote for you. Some people may already be supporting their friends and you won't be able to change that. However, the benefit of SVT means that you can still potentially be their second choice. When speaking to someone, kindly ask that "if I'm not your first choice, please consider me for your second or third choice". The final count can change drastically as votes are redistributed to second and third choices.
Remember to have fun! - These elections are an opportunity for you to put yourself out there, try something new and push to enact real change at Roehampton, but don't forget to keep a smile on your face and have fun with your campaign!