The purpose of the Psychology Society is to create a community for all psychology students during there time at Roehampton. As the biggest course at Roehampton, it can be overwhelming to meet and talk to everyone. This society was made to help build and strengthen that community, and make the most out of our university experiences.
Club nights
Pub quizzes
Art and Wine nights
Day trips (e.g. museums or Freuds house in London)
Movie and pizza nights
Guest speakers with masterclasses and Q&A's
Extra-curricular support outside lessons
Study sessions
Networking events
If there are any event's you'd like to happen or even help or run, we'll try our best to help make any visions for the society come true. If you'd like to host a quiz night, an arts and wine night, a football game, a beauty night, let us know! You can message us on WhatsApp or email linked below.