Changing Course

The change from A-Levels to a Degree can be quite different and you may feel like you are struggling to adjust.

We assure you that this is normal so don’t panic!

If you do feel like you are struggling, get in contact with your personal tutor or an academic achievement advisor.

They are there to help you get your degree and are only happy to help you if you are struggling to adjust!

If you do not know who to contact, then please do not hesitate to get in touch with the SU for help.

Students transferring to another institution 

If you wish to transfer from the University of Roehampton to another institution, you will need to formally withdraw from the University of Roehampton by completing a withdrawal form (SR8). This is located on the Student portal.

Transferring from one institution to another is a major decision and we want to be sure that you have raised and discussed any concerns you might have so we can support you in making this decision. Please discuss your decision to withdraw with your Programme Convenor.

Before you submit your form, we would recommend that you have discussed things fully with the institution you are transferring to. 

  • You will need to confirm that you will be offered a place on the programme and year you want to transfer to. You may want to use your student profile/transcript to initiate this discussion.
  • We recommend that you when you contact their Admissions department you check if you’re able to obtain any exemptions against modules you have already studied.
    This is particularly important if you are moving to a similar programme. We can support you by providing a transcript. This contains a record of all of your modules and marks. You can request this at
  • Check the term /semester start dates of the institution to ensure that you are able to join them when you wish to.
  • Changing Programmes may have implications for your funding so a discussion with our Student Finance team at or the Student Funding Team at the receiving institution might be useful to ensure that your eligibility to financial support is secure.
  • If you are an International student on a visa, you will need to liaise with the University Compliance Officer at before completing the withdrawal form to ensure you have considered any implications for your visa.

The fully completed form should be handed to your department office to process.

If the form is incomplete, it will not be processed, and you will be contacted. So please make sure it is fully completed. The University will update your record, and this will trigger the Roehampton Student Finance team to send a notification to the Student Loan Company (SLC) to advise them that you are changing institution. 

They will email you when your record has been updated and provide you with a printed transcript of marks to your permanent address. If you have any questions about the process please contact

Students transferring between Programmes within the University of Roehampton

Once you are enrolled, you can request to transfer to a different programme

You can start the process by downloading a change of programme SR2 form from the Student portal.

The University will require you to discuss your request with the Programme Convenor of the programme you are leaving, and with the convener of the programme, you wish to join. The Programme Convenor of the new programme will need to assess if you qualify for entry to the new programme but both Programme Convenors will need to sign the SR2.

These are the sorts of things they will consider:

  • Are there spaces available on your chosen programme.
  • Have you met the entry criteria for the new Programme? E.g. a Science qualification may be needed for some programmes.
  • Whether you have to join your new programme from the beginning  or have you already studied a module/s  that are relevant to the new programme, in which case  you may be exempted from taking some modules on the new programme.
  • When is the appropriate time to join the programme, it may not be possible to transfer immediately to your new programme for example if you have missed a significant amount of teaching. We recommend that you should apply to transfer within the first three weeks of the start of year.
  • For some programmes (Nursing, Teaching) you may be subject to additional entry processes. For example, a Disclosure and Barring check or Occupational Health Clearance. 

These are the sorts of things you may want to consider:

  • If you are an International student on a visa you will need to liaise with the University Compliance Officer at before completing this form to ensure you have considered any implications for your visa
  • Changing Programmes may have implications for your funding so we recommend you contact the Student Finance team at

The fully completed form should be handed to your department office to process.

If the form is incomplete, it will not be processed, and you will be contacted. So please make sure it is fully completed.

The University will email you when your record has been updated. If you have any questions about the process please contact