Non-Academic Misconduct Procedure


As members of the University of Roehampton London, students are expected to follow the Standards of Student Conduct to ensure that all members of the University community feel safe, supported and respected.   

The Conduct Policy applies not just within University premises or just within term-time. Your behaviour off campus and during vacations, weekends, and evenings may be taken into consideration.

If you have received a letter from the University regarding your behaviour or have been informed that you are being investigated for non-academic misconduct then you should seek advice from the RSU Advice Service at the earliest opportunity.   

What is the Process if you are investigated by the University? 

Level 1 – Information Consideration

An allegation at Level 1 may be conducted by the relevant Director or Head of Department, Head of College, College Life Development Officer, Senior Warden or nominee. The member of staff will normally invite you to an informal meeting. The invitation should include the following information:

  • Details of the allegation that has been received;
  • That the allegation is being considered at Level 1 of this procedure;
  • That the student is entitled to bring a supporter as set out in Paragraph 1.41 of these regulations; and
  • The names of any attendees at the meeting. 

In the meeting, the member of staff should discuss the allegation of non-academic misconduct with the student and give them an opportunity to respond. Having discussed the allegation, the member of staff will:

  • Take no further action;
  • Give the student a verbal warning about their future behaviour; or
  • Refer the allegation for consideration at Level 2 or Level 3 of the Non-Academic Misconduct Procedure

Consideration of an allegation at Level 1 of the procedure will normally be concluded within 21 days.

Level 2 - Determination by a Disciplinary Officer

An allegation at Level 2 should be conducted by a Disciplinary Officer. The Disciplinary Officer may require the student to attend one or more meetings during the investigation. In all cases the student should be advised before the meeting of the following:

  • Details of the allegation that has been received;
  • That the allegation is being considered at Level 2 of this procedure;
  • That the student is entitled to bring a supporter as set out in Paragraph 1.41 of these regulations; and
  • The names of any attendees at the meeting.

The Disciplinary Officer will invite the student to at least one formal disciplinary meeting, normally at the end of the investigation, giving no less than 3 days’ notice. In the formal disciplinary meeting, the Disciplinary Officer should discuss the allegation of non-academic misconduct with the student and give them an opportunity to respond. At the end of the investigation, and having conducted the formal disciplinary meeting, the Disciplinary Officer will determine one of the following:

  • That there is insufficient evidence to conclude that a breach of the Student Code of Conduct has occurred, in which case the allegation will be dismissed;
  • That there is sufficient evidence to conclude that a breach of the Student Code of Conduct has occurred, in which case one or more sanctions may be applied; or
  • That the matter should be referred to a Student Disciplinary Panel.

The sanctions that can be imposed by a Disciplinary Officer are as follows:

  • Formal Warning;
  • Any sanction available to a Disciplinary Officer under the student’s Accommodation Agreement;
  • Exclude the student from any parts of the University including accommodation, events, activities or areas of campus for a limited period of time;
  • Require the costs in full of any damage to be met;
  • Request a student to write a letter of apology to the affected party;
  • Require a student to engage in voluntary activity for the benefit of the local community;
  • Require the student to participate in an educational programme, including group programmes; and
  • Require the student to attend a prescribed number of meetings, including group meetings, with a relevant member of staff for purposes as defined by the Disciplinary Officer.
  • Apply a fine in line with a scheme approved by the University Secretary
  • Exclude the student from their University accommodation, either permanently or for a limited period of time, subject to ratification by both the University Secretary and Provost (or nominee).
  • Exclude the student from parts of the campus, including but not limited to the Library and University accommodation other than their own, for a limited period of time.

The Disciplinary Officer should make a written record of the meeting and should inform the student in writing of their decision, giving reasons and details of any penalties to be applied, normally within 7 days. The student should be provided with a copy of the written record of the meeting, and should be informed of their right to appeal 
Determination of an allegation at Level 2 of the procedure will normally be concluded within 28 days

Level 3 – Student Disciplinary Panel

A Student Disciplinary Panel will normally be made up of:

  • A nominated staff member of the Student Disciplinary Board as Chair of the Panel; and
  • Two other members of the Student Disciplinary Board (one member of staff and one student).

The student will be provided with a copy of all the information and evidence to be considered by the Panel at least 7 days in advance of the hearing. The student will be invited to provide a written statement advance of the hearing. A copy of the statement will be provided to the Panel and the Disciplinary Officer.

The order of proceedings at a hearing will normally be as follows:

  • The Chair will introduce the proceedings;
  • The Disciplinary Officer will present the allegation, and may call and question witnesses. The Disciplinary Officer and any witnesses will answer any questions from the Panel and the student;
  • The student may present their response to the allegations, and may call and question witnesses. The student and any witnesses will answer questions from the Panel and the Disciplinary Officer;
  • The Disciplinary Officer will make a closing statement;
  • The student may make a closing statement; and
  • The Panel will deliberate in private and make a decision. 

The Panel will normally reconvene within 7 days, and the parties will be given at least 2 days’ notice of the time and date of the reconvened hearing.

The Panel will determine one of the following:

  • That there is insufficient evidence to conclude that a breach of the Student Code of Conduct has occurred, in which case the allegation will be dismissed; or
  • That there is sufficient evidence to conclude that a breach of the Student Code of Conduct has occurred.

The sanctions that can be imposed by a Student Disciplinary Panel are as follows:

  • Any sanction available to a Disciplinary Officer under Paragraph 2.14 of the Student Disciplinary Procedure.
  • Any sanction available under the student’s Accommodation Agreement;
  • Suspend the student’s registration at the University for a limited period of time;
  • Exclude the student from any parts of the University including accommodation, events, activities or areas of campus, either permanently or for a limited period of time;
  • Expel the student, either permanently or for a limited period of time; or
  • Impose specified consequences, including suspension or expulsion, to apply in the event of further proven cases of misconduct.

The Clerk to the Panel will inform the student in writing of the Panel’s decision, giving reasons and details of any penalties to be applied, normally within 1 week. The student will be informed of their right to appeal under the Appeals Procedure (below) set out in these regulations. Determination of an allegation at Level 3 of the procedure will normally be concluded within 50 days. 

Appeals Procedure

A student may request an appeal against the following decisions made under these regulations:

  • The decision of a Disciplinary Officer or Student Disciplinary Panel under the NonAcademic Misconduct Procedure set out in these regulations; or
  • The decision of a Disciplinary Officer or Student Disciplinary Panel under the Academic Misconduct Procedure set out in these regulations;

The appeal may be made against the decision, the sanction/sanctions or both, but must be based on one or more of the following grounds:

  • There is relevant new material which was not reasonably available at the time of the original decision;
  • There has been a failure of due process; or
  • That the decision was unreasonable and/or a disproportionate sanction has been allocated.

A party wishing to request an appeal must notify the University Secretariat in writing within 14 days of the date of the official notification of a decision. The notice of appeal must be accompanied by a written statement that identifies precisely the grounds upon which the appeal is based and any supporting evidence.

How to contact us

The Roehampton Students' Union Advice and Support Service is located in Frobel College. 

Our opening hours are 10:00-16:00, Monday-Friday. This includes during academic vacation periods, but not Bank Holidays.

  • You can contact us by email to arrange an appointment or seek advice.

You can complete our booking form or email Please also include the details of your query. Once you have sent your completed Confidential Advice Record, an adviser will respond to your query. If you requested an appointment, they will give further information. 

  • You can ring the Roehampton Students' Union Helpdesk on 0208 392 3221. They will be able to advise on how to access our service.