
Candidate for the position of Mature Students' Officer

Image for Jess T Hooks

Jess T Hooks

Facilitating Solutions and Connections for Mature Students at Roehampton

My name is Jess Hooks and I'm a second year PGR in Anthropology and Gender Studies within the School of Arts, researching women walking together in England. As a mature student, (likely the oldest resident of Froebel College), a Growhampton volunteer, and a self-supported international student I've learned a lot over the past two years about how our community figures into the cultures of Roehampton. I'm motivated to represent our community because of this experience and will find solutions to the complex and often overlooked needs of folx who've come to study later in life. As our representative I plan to facilitate opportunities for us to connect with each other via socials and communication channels, as well as raise awareness amongst other representatives about our unique contributions to the Roehampton community. I will continue to live at Old Court in Froebel during the 2022-2023 academic year, situating myself perfectly to make a lasting contribution.