
Candidate for the position of Froebel College President

Image for Ciaron Wright

Ciaron Wright

Fighting For Froebel!

I am Ciaron Wright. Education Student. Early Years Educator. Froebel Enthusiast. Froebel Flat Rep. I love everything Froebel! Most importantly the people! Making Froebel the best it can be is vital.

A vote for me is a vote for change! A vote for a better Froebel! A vote for the library to be open later! A vote for better use of the union! A vote for cheaper prices on campus!

I am a voice for the Froebelians that call this place home. My DM's are always open for your questions, comments and concerns. My ideas only go so far and it is up to you to make this the best college at the University. Make this the best university in London. Make these the best years of your Life.

Voting is easy and vital. If we are friends, acquaintaces, strangers or enemies vote for me. I know Froebel. I know his practices, I know our history and will shape its future. I know our past presidents. Their triumphs and pitfalls.

Voting is online and links and information can be found everywhere including my campaign instagram, the RSU instagram and the University Instagram.

Vote for me! First Second or Third choice! If I am on your ballot then you can make change!

25 February 2025! Remember the date! Voting opens! This is the first day to save your University experience!

Voting Closes 27 February at 11am. Let this not be the end but a great new beginning.

Fighting for Froebel starts today!