Together, we can create a safer, more supportive, and more inclusive campus for everyone. @susie4welfare on Instagram and TikTok.
Hiya, my name is Susie. I’m running for VP Welfare because I’ve noticed issues that myself and others have experienced and I want to help fix them. I’ve lived on campus for two years, and as a disabled student have dealt with lots of accessibility problems. I’m passionate about helping people and making life that little bit easier for everybody. My current job is working for an autism charity to advise companies on improving their inclusion, and I’ll bring those skills into this role if elected.
My priorities
Why aren’t students living on campus told about changes or guided on dealing with flat disputes? Why is the hardship fund process not transparent? Why is Campus Wi-Fi so unreliable? These are just some of the issues I’ll prioritise, here are some more:
Lighting around campus at night, particularly on Froebel, is insufficient. This is dangerous, especially for students coming back from a night out at The Union or elsewhere. I’ll lobby the University to improve campus safety at night.
Careers Development Week is important for all students but the time for it isn’t given in some courses. This is an issue because many brilliant and unique opportunities are offered.
Students are sometimes marked absent incorrectly; the attendance system is unhelpful. This is a problem, especially for international students who can face serious consequences if their attendance goes below 60%, but home students could be punished for low attendance too. This accuracy issue needs to be addressed urgently.
I’ll push for more events during the daytime across colleges, creating calmer vibes and being more inviting for commuting students. Given how many of our peers commute, the RSU needs a commuting students network and I’m surprised there isn’t one already!
I love the unique community across Roehampton, and I’d love to be able to make a difference. I hope I can earn your trust and your vote to be Vice President for Welfare. But if I’m not your favourite, do consider me for your second or third choice! If you have any questions or want to learn more about my goals, you can find me @susie4welfare on Instagram and TikTok.