Election Posts

RSU Elections 2022

The polls have closed.

RSU President

The RSU President will:

  • Sit and represent students on University Council, University Senate, and all other appropriate committees with a Union seat and approval of Executive Committee.
  • Chair the Union’s Board of Trustees.
  • Responsible for coordinating and chairing Presidents’ Committee meetings.
  • Be the prime representative of the Union and seek to involve as many students with the Union as possible.
  • In conjunction with the Chief Executive, lead on the long-term planning of the Union to enhance engagement and improve the overall student experience.
  • Be the public face and promote the vision, strategy and policies of the Union.
  • Be the lead Officer Trustee responsible for the liaison on behalf of the Union with any affiliated organisations or bodies, and to act as the principal spokesperson.
  • Plan and deliver campaigns related to overall student engagement in their communities and improving student life alongside supporting other Officer Trustees deliver their campaigns.
  • Be one of the Union’s NUS Representatives and represent the Union at NUS conferences, events and activities.

All sabbatical officers will:

  • Work at all times within relevant legislation as well as structures, policies and procedures.
  • Work co-operatively with other Union staff and Officers, as well as relevant external organisations.
  • Adhere to the highest standards, especially of customer service and safety.
  • Seek to continually develop and improve Union facilities and services.
  • Keep up to date with sector developments, developments in the local community, and students' views/needs, where necessary undertaking market research to generate such information.
  • Undertake necessary training and to attend all meetings as requested.
  • Promote a positive and professional image of the Roehampton Students’ union (RSU) to its members, customers, stakeholders and other external people.
  • Positively contribute to the organisation’s ethical and environmental ethos.
  • Perform any other additional reasonable duties as deemed appropriate.

This list is not exhaustive and is a general indication - the role holder will be expected to complete any reasonable task requested of them.

Note: This is a full time sabbatical role which is £27,632per annum

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Vice President (Education)

The RSU Vice President Education will:

  • Present ideas to the University on how the academic experience and student outcomes can be improved based on evidence-based feedback from students and academic representatives.
  • Sit and represent students on university education, academic, and other relevant committees to ensure the student voice is heard.
  • Chair focus groups as necessary to support the collation of informed student feedback relating to students’ academic experience and student outcomes.
  • Work to improve and support student academic representation systems and set up initiatives to keep them engaged.
  • Lead campaigns relating to academic issues, improving the academic experience, and improving the University of Roehampton.
  • Be the lead Officer Trustee responsible for academic-based campaigns, academic quality, and standards-based initiatives, such as National Student Survey (NSS), Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF), and other education student voice initiatives.
  • Act as the Deputy Chair of Presidents’ Committee.
  • Be one of the Union’s NUS Representatives and represent the Union at NUS conferences, events and activities.

All sabbatical officers will:

  • Work at all times within relevant legislation as well as structures, policies and procedures.
  • Work co-operatively with other Union staff and Officers, as well as relevant external organisations.
  • Adhere to the highest standards, especially of customer service and safety.
  • Seek to continually develop and improve Union facilities and services.
  • Keep up to date with sector developments, developments in the local community, and students' views/needs, where necessary undertaking market research to generate such information.
  • Undertake necessary training and to attend all meetings as requested.
  • Promote a positive and professional image of the Roehampton Students’ union (RSU) to its members, customers, stakeholders and other external people.
  • Positively contribute to the organisation’s ethical and environmental ethos.
  • Perform any other additional reasonable duties as deemed appropriate.

This list is not exhaustive and is a general indication - the role holder will be expected to complete any reasonable task requested of them.

Note: This is a full time sabbatical role which is £27,632 per annum

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Vice President (Welfare)

The RSU Vice President Welfare will:

  • Present ideas to the University on how student support can be improved based on evidence-based feedback from students and student representatives. 
  • Sit and represent students on relevant University committees and working groups to ensure the voices of students are heard. 
  • Develop, promote, and lead campaigns which support and encourage student wellbeing. 
  • Lead student welfare campaigns, with the support of other Officer Trustees and student representatives. 
  • Promote and direct students to the University support services, respecting confidentiality at all times. 
  • Develop understanding and strong relationships of other University support services to advocate student welfare and safety. 
  • Encourage and support students to participate in the Union, student activities, and the University. 
  • Develop strong relationships with external stakeholders to advocate student welfare and safety. 
  • Be one of the Union’s NUS Representatives and represent the Union at NUS conferences, events and activities. 

All sabbatical officers will:

  • Work at all times within relevant legislation as well as structures, policies and procedures.
  • Work co-operatively with other Union staff and Officers, as well as relevant external organisations.
  • Adhere to the highest standards, especially of customer service and safety.
  • Seek to continually develop and improve Union facilities and services.
  • Keep up to date with sector developments, developments in the local community, and students' views/needs, where necessary undertaking market research to generate such information.
  • Undertake necessary training and to attend all meetings as requested.
  • Promote a positive and professional image of the Roehampton Students’ union (RSU) to its members, customers, stakeholders, and other external people.
  • Positively contribute to the organisation’s ethical and environmental ethos.
  • Perform any other additional reasonable duties as deemed appropriate.


This list is not exhaustive and is a general indication - the role holder will be expected to complete any reasonable task requested of them.

Note: This is a full time sabbatical role which is £27,169 per annum

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Asian and Minority Ethnicity Students' Officer

  • Ensure the interests of Asian & Minority Ethnic students are represented to the university, at Student Senate and at the Students’ Union Council (SUC).
  • Liaise with Vice Presidents (Education, Welfare & Community) and NUS to ensure that students of Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds are represented and supported during their time at the University of Roehampton.
  • Establish relationships and effective methods of communication between the RSU and Asian and Minority Ethnic students.
  • Collect written and verbal feedback from Asian & Minority Ethnic students to inform campaigns and identify students who wish to support with the remit.
  • Meet regularly with your Sabbatical Officer link and the Student Voice & Insights Coordinator to discuss ideas and provide updates on campaigns, activities or events.
  • Provide regular updates to all students, by attending the SUC and communicating with the wider membership using the RSU’s social media and online communication methods.
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Black Students' Officer

  • Ensure the interests of Black students are represented to the university, at Student Senate and at the Students’ Union Council (SUC).
  • Raise awareness of Black History and plan a minimum of one event (either virtual or face-to-face) educating students and staff on Black History
  • Liaise with Vice Presidents (Education, Welfare & Community) and NUS to ensure that Black students are represented and supported during their time at the University of Roehampton.
  • Establish relationships and effective methods of communication between the RSU and Black students.
  • Collect written and verbal feedback from Black students to inform campaigns and identify students who wish to support with the remit.
  • Meet regularly with your Sabbatical Officer link and the Student Voice & Insights Coordinator to discuss ideas and provide updates on campaigns, activities or events.
  • Provide regular updates to all students, by attending the SUC and communicating with the wider membership using the RSU’s social media and online communication methods.
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Chair of Students' Union Council

  • Responsible for representing, promoting and guiding the Students’ Union Council (SUC) as a non-voting and non-reporting member.
  • Chairs and sets the agenda for the Students’ Union Council meetings in accordance with the Articles of Association and Byelaws of the RSU.
  • Ensure that the scheduling of the Students’ Union Council and Union General Meetings (including annual and extraordinary) are done so with the appropriate notices and are accessible to members.
  • Ensure that the running of the Students’ Union Council and General Meetings are done so democratically and in an open, transparent and accessible manner.
  • Maintain and uphold meeting protocols and integrity ensuring that conflicts of interest are declared where relevant and that full and part-time officers are aware and educated on procedure surrounding such matters.
  • Actively encourage participation from members at Students’ Union Council and general meetings, ensuring that a broad representation of the membership has fair and equal opportunities to engage.
  • Participate in, and encourage full and part time officers to attend, relevant chairs and committee leadership training.
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Digby Stuart College President

The College President responsibilities include:

  • Be the prime college representative within the Union and seek to involve as many students with the Union and College as possible;
  • Attend and contribute to meetings of Presidents’ Committee, which includes receiving campaign ideas, identifying student groups to gather feedback, and determining if ideas have insight-backed student interest;
  • Establish and maintain relationships with members of staff within their respective college, including the Head of College, College Life Development Officer, and Student Wellbeing Officer;
  • Strengthening the partnerships between their respective college with the Union and other colleges;
  • Work closely with college management to ensure that the student voice is represented in all college-based discussions and decisions;
  • Support the creation and maintenance of the respective College Network
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Digby Stuart College Deputy President

The College Deputy President responsibilities will include:

  • Work together with the College President, as a college representative within the Students’ Union and seek to involve as many students with the Students’ Union and College activities and events as possible.
  • Work together with College President to represent the voice of students, which includes receiving campaign ideas, identifying student groups to gather feedback, and determining if ideas have insight-backed student interest, which the College President will then present at Presidents' Committee.
  • Be the lead representative of the College student network.
  • Be the lead representative for College based events & activities such as College Cup and other initiatives
  • Work in partnership with the RSU by promoting RSU events & activities (both student and organisation led); encouraging students to engage with RSU Societies and encouraging student participation in Student Networks.
  • Alongside the College President, build partnerships and develop relationships with other Colleges to form an inter College community.
  • Meet regularly with your College President and the Representation Coordinator to discuss ideas and provide updates on campaigns, activities, or events.
  • Provide regular updates to students by writing blogs, articles and creating posts for the RSU’s social media and website to communicate with students within their respective college and the wider membership to close the feedback loop.
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Environmental and Sustainability Officer

  • Encourage students to get involved with the remit, be environmentally aware and consider their environmental and ethical impact by creating awareness through running campaigns, training and events.
  • Take an active role in the planning of Fairtrade Fortnight and other environmental and sustainability initiatives with the RSU and the University.
  • Liaise with the elected officers and the university in developing and reviewing RSU and university policy.
  • Monitor and take steps to ensure that the RSU’s services and activities have a minimal impact on the environment and are operating on an ethical basis.
  • Work closely with the Growhampton team and support the development and encourage student input on environmental initiatives and projects.
  • Meet regularly with your Sabbatical Officer link and the Student Voice & Insights Coordinator to discuss ideas and provide updates on campaigns, activities or events.
  • Provide regular updates to all students, by attending the SUC and communicating with the wider membership using the RSU’s social media and online communication methods.
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Froebel College President

The College President responsibilities include:

  • Be the prime college representative within the Union and seek to involve as many students with the Union and College as possible;
  • Attend and contribute to meetings of Presidents’ Committee, which includes receiving campaign ideas, identifying student groups to gather feedback, and determining if ideas have insight-backed student interest;
  • Establish and maintain relationships with members of staff within their respective college, including the Head of College, College Life Development Officer, and Student Wellbeing Officer;
  • Strengthening the partnerships between their respective college with the Union and other colleges;
  • Work closely with college management to ensure that the student voice is represented in all college-based discussions and decisions;
  • Support the creation and maintenance of the respective College Network
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Froebel College Deputy President

The College Deputy President responsibilities will include:

  • Work together with the College President, as a college representative within the Students’ Union and seek to involve as many students with the Students’ Union and College activities and events as possible.
  • Work together with College President to represent the voice of students, which includes receiving campaign ideas, identifying student groups to gather feedback, and determining if ideas have insight-backed student interest, which the College President will then present at Presidents' Committee.
  • Be the lead representative of the College student network.
  • Be the lead representative for College based events & activities such as College Cup and other initiatives
  • Work in partnership with the RSU by promoting RSU events & activities (both student and organisation led); encouraging students to engage with RSU Societies and encouraging student participation in Student Networks.
  • Alongside the College President, build partnerships and develop relationships with other Colleges to form an inter College community.
  • Meet regularly with your College President and the Representation Coordinator to discuss ideas and provide updates on campaigns, activities, or events.
  • Provide regular updates to students by writing blogs, articles and creating posts for the RSU’s social media and website to communicate with students within their respective college and the wider membership to close the feedback loop.
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Gender Equality Officer

  • Ensure the interests of students of all genders are represented to the university, at Student Senate and at the Students’ Union Council (SUC).
  • Liaise with Vice President (Welfare & Community) to ensure that students of all genders are represented and supported during their time at the University of Roehampton.
  • Establish effective methods of communication between the RSU with students of all genders.
  • To support (wherever appropriate) the work of the Trans Students’ Of?cer, in the knowledge that the road to transgender equality is the same road that leads to gender equality.
  • To acknowledge that the interests of all genders include those who identify outside of the gender binaries.
  • Collect written and verbal feedback from female students to inform campaigns and identify students who wish to support with the remit.
  • Meet regularly with your Sabbatical Officer link and the Student Voice & Insights Coordinator and liaise with the trans students officer to discuss ideas and provide updates on campaigns, activities or events.
  • Provide regular updates to all students, by attending the SUC and communicating with the wider membership using the RSU’s social media and online communication methods.
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Interfaith Officer

  • Ensure the interests of students of all faiths and none are represented to the university, at Student Senate and at the Students’ Union Council (SUC).
  • Liaise with Vice President (Welfare & Community) to ensure that students of all faiths and none are represented and supported during their time at the University of Roehampton.
  • Establish relationships and effective methods of communication between the RSU, the Chaplaincy and students of all faiths and none, and ensure that faith groups are positioned to interact and cooperate effectively.
  • Collect written and verbal feedback from students of all faiths to inform campaigns and identify students who wish to support with the remit.
  • Meet regularly with your Sabbatical Officer link and the Student Voice & Insights Coordinator to discuss ideas and provide updates on campaigns, activities or events.
  • Provide regular updates to students of all faiths, by attending the SUC and communicating with the wider membership using the RSU’s social media and online communication methods.
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International Students' Officer

  • Ensure the interests of international students are represented to the university, at Student Senate and at the Students’ Union Council (SUC).
  • Liaise with Vice President (Welfare & Community) to ensure that international students are represented and supported, including that of Recruitment and Admissions, during their time at the University of Roehampton.
  • Establish relationships and effective methods of communication between the RSU, the International Office, and international students.
  • Collect written and verbal feedback from international students to inform campaigns and identify students who wish to support with the remit.
  • Meet regularly with your Sabbatical Officer link and the Student Voice & Insights Coordinator to discuss ideas and provide updates on campaigns, activities or events.
  • Provide regular updates to international students, by attending the SUC and communicating with the wider membership using the RSU’s social media and online communication methods.
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LGBTQ+ Students' Officer

  • Ensure the interests of LGBTQ+ students are represented to the university, at Student Senate and at the Students’ Union Council (SUC).
  • Liaise with Vice President (Welfare & Community) to ensure that LGBQT+ students are represented and supported during their time at the University of Roehampton.
  • Establish effective methods of communication between the RSU with LGBTQ+ students.
  • Support the Trans Students Of?cer and LGBTQ+ Society in order to promote trans students as equal partners in the broader LGBTQ+ community.
  • Collect written and verbal feedback from LGBTQ+ students to inform campaigns and identify students who wish to support with the remit.
  • Meet regularly with your Sabbatical Officer link and the Student Voice & Insights Coordinator to discuss ideas and provide updates on campaigns, activities or events.
  • Provide regular updates to LGBTQ+ students, by attending the SUC and communicating with the wider membership using the RSU’s social media and online communication methods.
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Mature Students' Officer

  • Ensure the interests of mature students are represented to the university, at Student Senate and at the Students’ Union Council (SUC).
  • Liaise with Vice President Education to ensure that mature students are represented and supported during their time at the University of Roehampton.
  • Establish effective methods of communication between the RSU with mature students.
  • Collect written and verbal feedback from mature students to inform campaigns and identify students who wish to support with the remit.
  • Meet regularly with your Sabbatical Officer link and the Student Voice & Insights Coordinator to discuss ideas and provide updates on campaigns, activities or events.
  • Provide regular updates to mature students, by attending the SUC and communicating with the wider membership using the RSU’s social media and online communication methods.
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Mental Health Officer

  • Ensure the subject of mental health of students is represented to the university, at Student Senate and at the Students’ Union Council (SUC).
  • Liaise with Vice President (Welfare & Community) to identify methods to ensure that students are able to access support for matters relating to mental health during their time at the University of Roehampton.
  • Establish relationships and effective methods of communication between the RSU, Wellbeing Support services, and students on the subject of mental health.
  • Collect written and verbal feedback from students on the subject of mental health to inform campaigns and identify students who wish to support with the remit.
  • Meet regularly with your Sabbatical Officer link and the Student Voice & Insights Coordinator to discuss ideas and provide updates on campaigns, activities or events.
  • Provide regular updates to students, by attending the SUC and communicating with the wider membership using the RSU’s social media and online communication methods.
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Muslim Students' Officer

  • Ensure the interests of Muslim students are represented to the university, at Student Senate and at the Students’ Union Council (SUC).
  • Liaise with Vice Presidents (Education, Welfare & Community) to ensure that Muslim students are represented and supported during their time at the University of Roehampton.
  • Establish relationships and effective methods of communication between the RSU, the Chaplaincy and Muslim students.
  • Collect written and verbal feedback from Muslim students to inform campaigns and identify students who wish to support with the remit.
  • Meet regularly with your Sabbatical Officer link and the Student Voice & Insights Coordinator to discuss ideas and provide updates on campaigns, activities or events.
  • Provide regular updates to Muslim students, by attending the SUC and communicating with the wider membership using the RSU’s social media and online communication methods
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Off-Campus and Commuting Students' Officer

  • Ensure the interests of students living off-campus and commuting to university are being represented to the university, at Student Senate and at the Students’ Union Council (SUC).
  • Create awareness of the students’ union and lead campaigns to address issues affecting off-campus and commuting students.
  • Collect written and verbal feedback from off-campus and commuting students to inform campaigns and identify students who wish to support with the remit.
  • Meet regularly with your Sabbatical Officer link and the Student Voice & Insights Coordinator to discuss ideas and provide updates on campaigns, activities or events.
  • Provide regular updates to off-campus and commuting students, by attending the SUC and communicating with the wider membership using the RSU’s social media and online communication methods.
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Societies Officer

  • Ensure activity-related matters, societies and their committees’ views are represented to the University, at Student Senate and at the Students’ Union Council (SUC).
  • Ensure that equality and diversity and accessible opportunities are promoted in all societies, and encourage students to participate in society activities and events
  • Support the delivery of the RSU Activity Strategy.
  • Create, develop, support and implement ideas which relate to students participating in society activity.
  • Attend and participate in decision-making for society grants, new society establishment and awards.
  • Promote society compliance with signatory agreements and associated policy and procedure.
  • Organise and Chair Societies Committee Meetings.
  • Meet regularly with your Sabbatical Officer link, the Activities Team and the Student Voice & Insights Coordinator to discuss ideas and provide updates on campaigns, activities or events.
  • Provide regular updates to students, by attending the SUC and communicating with the wider membership using the RSU’s social media and online communication methods
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Southlands College President

The College President responsibilities include:

  • Be the prime college representative within the Union and seek to involve as many students with the Union and College as possible;
  • Attend and contribute to meetings of Presidents’ Committee, which includes receiving campaign ideas, identifying student groups to gather feedback, and determining if ideas have insight-backed student interest;
  • Establish and maintain relationships with members of staff within their respective college, including the Head of College, College Life Development Officer, and Student Wellbeing Officer;
  • Strengthening the partnerships between their respective college with the Union and other colleges;
  • Work closely with college management to ensure that the student voice is represented in all college-based discussions and decisions;
  • Support the creation and maintenance of the respective College Network
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Southlands College Deputy President

The College Deputy President responsibilities will include:

  • Work together with the College President, as a college representative within the Students’ Union and seek to involve as many students with the Students’ Union and College activities and events as possible.
  • Work together with College President to represent the voice of students, which includes receiving campaign ideas, identifying student groups to gather feedback, and determining if ideas have insight-backed student interest, which the College President will then present at Presidents' Committee.
  • Be the lead representative of the College student network.
  • Be the lead representative for College based events & activities such as College Cup and other initiatives
  • Work in partnership with the RSU by promoting RSU events & activities (both student and organisation led); encouraging students to engage with RSU Societies and encouraging student participation in Student Networks.
  • Alongside the College President, build partnerships and develop relationships with other Colleges to form an inter College community.
  • Meet regularly with your College President and the Representation Coordinator to discuss ideas and provide updates on campaigns, activities, or events.
  • Provide regular updates to students by writing blogs, articles and creating posts for the RSU’s social media and website to communicate with students within their respective college and the wider membership to close the feedback loop.
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Sport Roehampton President (Female)

  • Ensure sport, physical activity related matters, student clubs and their members’ views are represented to the University, at Student Senate and at the Students’ Union Council (SUC).
  • Be the student representative for sport, supporting the work of Sport Roehampton across all student clubs and groups.
  • Champion equal opportunities, encourage participation in both competitive and non-competitive sporting activities, and generate awareness in local, regional and national participation initiatives.
  • Support the RSU and university’s work in relation to the delivery of the University Sport Strategy.
  • Support and organise events such as Varsity, Awards evening and any other sport-related campaigns, activities, or events.
  • Meet regularly with your Sabbatical Officer link and the Student Voice & Insights Coordinator to discuss ideas and provide updates on campaigns, activities or events.
  • Provide regular updates to students, by attending the SUC and communicating with the wider membership using the RSU’s social media and online communication methods.
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Sport Roehampton President (Male)

  • Ensure sport, physical activity related matters, student clubs and their members’ views are represented to the University, at Student Senate and at the Students’ Union Council (SUC).
  • Be the student representative for sport, supporting the work of Sport Roehampton across all student clubs and groups.
  • Champion equal opportunities, encourage participation in both competitive and non-competitive sporting activities, and generate awareness in local, regional and national participation initiatives.
  • Support the RSU and university’s work in relation to the delivery of the University Sport Strategy.
  • Support and organise events such as Varsity, Awards evening and any other sport related campaigns, activities, or events.
  • Meet regularly with your Sabbatical Officer link and the Student Voice & Insights Coordinator to discuss ideas and provide updates on campaigns, activities or events.
  • Provide regular updates to students, by attending the SUC and communicating with the wider membership using the RSU’s social media and online communication methods.
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Students With Caring Responsibilities Officer

  • Ensure the interests of students with caring responsibilities are represented to the university, at Student Senate and at the Students’ Union Council (SUC).
  • Liaise with Vice-President (Welfare & Community) and the NUS to ensure that students with caring responsibilities are represented and supported during their time at the University of Roehampton.
  • Establish effective methods of communication between the RSU and students with caring responsibilities.
  • Collect written and verbal feedback from students with caring responsibilities to inform campaigns and identify students who wish to support with the remit.
  • Meet regularly with your Sabbatical Officer link and the Student Voice & Insights Coordinator to discuss ideas and provide updates on campaigns, activities or events.
  • Provide regular updates to students with caring responsibilities, by attending the SUC and communicating with the wider membership using the RSU’s social media and online communication methods.
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Students with Disabilities Officer

  • Ensure the interests of students with disabilities are represented to the university, at Student Senate and at the Students’ Union Council (SUC).
  • Liaise with Vice-President (Welfare & Community) and the NUS to ensure that students with disabilities are represented and supported during their time at the University of Roehampton.
  • Establish relationships and effective methods of communication between the RSU, Disability Services and with disabled students.
  • Collect written and verbal feedback from students with disabilities to inform campaigns and identify students who wish to support with the remit.
  • Meet regularly with your Sabbatical Officer link and the Student Voice & Insights Coordinator to discuss ideas and provide updates on campaigns, activities or events.
  • Provide regular updates to students with disabilities, by attending the SUC and communicating with the wider membership using the RSU’s social media and online communication methods.
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Trans Students' Officer

  • Ensure the interests of trans students are represented to the university, at Student Senate and at the Students’ Union Council (SUC).
  • Liaise with Vice President (Welfare & Community) to ensure that trans students are represented and supported during their time at the University of Roehampton.
  • Establish effective methods of communication between the RSU with trans students.
  • Support the LGBTQ+ Of?cer and LGBTQ+ Society in order to promote trans students as equal partners in the broader LGBTQ+ community.
  • To support (wherever appropriate) the work of the Gender Equality Of?cer, in the knowledge that the road to transgender equality is the same road that leads to gender equality.
  • Collect written and verbal feedback from Trans students to inform campaigns and identify students who wish to support with the remit.
  • Meet regularly with your Sabbatical Officer link and the Student Voice & Insights Coordinator to discuss ideas and provide updates on campaigns, activities or events.
  • Provide regular updates to Trans students, by attending the SUC and communicating with the wider membership using the RSU’s social media and online communication methods
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Whitelands College President

The College President responsibilities include:

  • Be the prime college representative within the Union and seek to involve as many students with the Union and College as possible;
  • Attend and contribute to meetings of Presidents’ Committee, which includes receiving campaign ideas, identifying student groups to gather feedback, and determining if ideas have insight-backed student interest;
  • Establish and maintain relationships with members of staff within their respective college, including the Head of College, College Life Development Officer, and Student Wellbeing Officer;
  • Strengthening the partnerships between their respective college with the Union and other colleges;
  • Work closely with college management to ensure that the student voice is represented in all college-based discussions and decisions;
  • Support the creation and maintenance of the respective College Network
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Postgraduate Students' Officer

  • Ensure the interests of post-graduate students are represented to the university, at Student Senate and at the Students’ Union Council (SUC).
  • Liaise with Vice President Education to ensure that Postgraduate students are represented and supported during their time at the University of Roehampton.
  • Establish effective methods of communication between the RSU and Postgraduate students.
  • Collect written and verbal feedback from postgraduate students to inform campaigns and identify students who wish to support with the remit.
  • Meet regularly with your Sabbatical Officer link and the Student Voice & Insights Coordinator to discuss ideas and provide updates on campaigns, activities or events.
  • Provide regular updates to postgraduate students, by attending the SUC and communicating with the wider membership using the RSU’s social media and online communication methods.
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Whitelands College Deputy President

The College Deputy President responsibilities will include:

  • Work together with the College President, as a college representative within the Students’ Union and seek to involve as many students with the Students’ Union and College activities and events as possible.
  • Work together with College President to represent the voice of students, which includes receiving campaign ideas, identifying student groups to gather feedback, and determining if ideas have insight-backed student interest, which the College President will then present at Presidents' Committee.
  • Be the lead representative of the College student network.
  • Be the lead representative for College based events & activities such as College Cup and other initiatives
  • Work in partnership with the RSU by promoting RSU events & activities (both student and organisation led); encouraging students to engage with RSU Societies and encouraging student participation in Student Networks.
  • Alongside the College President, build partnerships and develop relationships with other Colleges to form an inter College community.
  • Meet regularly with your College President and the Representation Coordinator to discuss ideas and provide updates on campaigns, activities, or events.
  • Provide regular updates to students by writing blogs, articles and creating posts for the RSU’s social media and website to communicate with students within their respective college and the wider membership to close the feedback loop.
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