Thursday 29 February 2024
Meet outside the Student Union Reception, Froebel Campus
Give it A Grow sessions are a fun opportunity for students to gain practical skills in sustainable food growing and wider nature-based learning, as well as spending time outdoors and meeting new people!
What we do in these sessions will vary week to week, based on what needs doing that time of year. From seed sowing to DIY, wild foraging walks and lots more, we'll be doing it all. You don't have to have any experience of food growing or gardening to take part in 'Give it A Grow' sessions, they're for EVERYONE!
These sessions are flexible in terms of when people arrive and leave. If you want to stay for the full 4 hours then that's great, but if you can only stay for an hour that's fine too! We'll also have a 30 minute tea and snack break halfway through the session where tea and biscuits will be provided.
So join us from 10am (meet outside the RSU reception at 10) for some outdoor and food-related fun. No sign up necessary, just come along!