Following a consultation with staff, Roehampton Students’ Union (RSU) is introducing a new operating model which will focus our resources on areas which will have the greatest positive impact for our students.
Following a consultation with staff, Roehampton Students’ Union (RSU) is introducing a new operating model which will focus our resources on areas which will have the greatest positive impact for students. The changes will also build our financial resilience and ensure we deliver on our core charitable objectives.
Part of the changes being announced address significant financial challenges and are designed to bring the Union into a breakeven budget position. This unfortunately requires difficult decisions to be made that will affect some colleagues in the Students' Union, and in other areas of expenditure.
The changes are designed to enable RSU to adapt to a changing population and the evolving needs of students. This will include focussing on enhancing student representation, student groups and opportunities, and our advice service. It is important to note that the University has not removed funding from the Students’ Union or from any specific project area. They have continually supported the organisation financially and for this the Students’ Union is grateful.
Impact on Growhampton
Growhampton activities will continue, but in a different form. Given the size of the Students’ Union and its limited resources, it is important that we move away from single areas of project delivery and focus our resources on areas of greatest impact and engagement for our students.
The Union has historically apportioned a higher level of budget and staffing resource to Growhampton than other areas of work such as societies, student representation, or our advice service. To address this, Growhampton will be reduced in size and scope of delivery.
We will, however, be retaining a part-time staff member within this area of work alongside our chickens and the forest garden. This will ensure that students will continue to have opportunities to volunteer and learn about sustainability on campus.
Our intention is to offer students support in forming a student society, which will take ownership of some of the growing facilities on campus such as the polytunnel and grow beds. We will release information regarding this in due course.
Next Steps
While some of the changes made will be disappointing to those involved in specific projects, they represent an opportunity for the Students’ Union to lay the foundations for the future.
By becoming a financially sustainable organisation we can ensure that we are a more effective and engaging organisation, capable of responding to changes in student demographics, and doing so at pace.
With a new University strategic plan in development, there are areas of clear alignment with our ambitions for the future and we will be announcing details in the summer on how the RSU will be consulting students on our own revamped strategic plan.
Alongside this, students nationally are facing a multitude of issues and areas in which they need support. This includes the cost of living, housing, and increases in loneliness. It is also essential that the Union ensures their academic needs are being met and their voices heard.
These challenges are all very real and come against a backdrop of rapid changes here at Roehampton. And as a Students' Union we need to rise to meet them by adapting as an organisation, changing the way we work, and becoming a Students' Union that can have real impact for students at Roehampton.