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Goodbye from Amy, RSU President 2023-2024

Amy leaves her role as RSU President 2023-2024, and gives us her parting words on her final blog post!

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What a year! I can’t believe a year has already passed. This is my final blog post as RSU President 2023/24 as I pass the torch to Imran for 2024/25. I’m beyond excited for him to be able to experience this completely unique and amazing role. 

This year has been filled with a range of emotions, stress, frustration, but most importantly happiness and enjoyment.  

Over the past year I have been working to ensure the future of the RSU brings more support for all of our members, through academic representation, student opportunities and societies. Whilst the work I have done may not have been completely obvious, I have been working very hard behind the scenes to make sure I leave the RSU in a better way than when I started last year.  

Starting in July 2023, I turned up to the office not really knowing what to expect. I was under the impression that the year ahead would be full of organising events, running campaigns and spending a lot of my time with students. While that was partly true, there was so much more – various committees and boards that I sat on:

  • University Senate,
  • University Council,
  • The Trustee Board of the RSU
  • And more.

Little did I know at the time that these meetings are where I can influence real change for our members.


Throughout the year I have attended:

  • Society sessions and events.
  • University events such as the Violence against Women and Girls workshop
  • College formal dinners and boat parties
  • Varsity away at Bucks
  • RSU events such as Paint and Sip and the RSU & Sports Awards 2024.

It has been lovely to spend time celebrating with everyone across the year and I know from experience that those memories last forever.  

My one main goal of the year was to support students through the ongoing cost of living crisis. While this has taken longer than expected to bring to fruition, my final task to do as RSU President is to open the RSU Community Pantry. The pantry will stock all non-food products such as kitchenware, hygiene products, stationery and baby products. It is a really difficult time for students; many can barely afford to eat, so my aim of the pantry is to alleviate the costs of other essential items as much as possible. Thank you to everyone who donated to the donation drive a few weeks back - it is hugely appreciated! The pantry will be open very soon and come September, there will be a sale of the products from the donation drive where students can purchase them for a fraction of the original cost (more details will follow nearer September.)  

Imran, Irene and Adam - good luck! You will experience every emotion possible, but you will enjoy every second of your roles! Take every experience you can and enjoy every moment – trust me time goes very quickly!  

I want to say a massive thank you to everyone who voted for me last year, supported me throughout the last 12 months and to every student at Roehampton. I wish everyone every success in the future. This role has given me an experience I’ll never forget and I am truly grateful to have been the President for a year.  
