News Article

RSU Elections 2025 Statement

A statement regarding the disqualification of candidates from this year's election.

The RSU Elections operate in a fair and democratic manner, with clear Rules & Guidelines in place to ensure a just outcome is reached.

Unfortunately, we have had to disqualify four candidates from this year’s election due to breaches of these terms:

  • Alabhya Kumar Tiwari - running for President
  • Chaudhary Mohammed Shihab – running for President
  • Sujal Shah - running for Digby Stuart College President
  • Yash Chauhan - running for Digby Stuart College Deputy President

All complaints received within one hour of voting closing were investigated by the Deputy Returning Officer who deemed that the alleged incidents constituted a breach of the rules.*

The candidates were given the opportunity to appeal the decision via a written statement to the Returning Officer - the National Union of Students (NUS). All four candidates submitted appeals, which were then considered by NUS.

NUS ruled to uphold the decisions made by the Deputy Returning Officer, meaning all four candidates were disqualified from the election. Regrettably, this means that any votes cast for these candidates are no longer valid for consideration and have, therefore, been removed from the results.

All next preferences have been considered, as per the single transferable voting system (STV).

Full results and a voting breakdown will be available on the SU website following Results Night.

For any queries, please contact

*Any complaints considered after this time will not be investigated as part of the elections process.