News Article

What is a Summary of Adjustments (SoA)?

If student’s have an illness or emergency around the time of assessment, they can of course submit a Mitigating Circumstance, however sometimes conditions require constant support and this is where a Summary of Adjustment, also referred to as an SoA may be more beneficial.

If student’s have an illness or emergency around the time of assessment, they can of course submit a Mitigating Circumstance, however sometimes conditions require constant support and this is where a Summary of Adjustment, also referred to as an SoA may be more beneficial.

A SoA (Summary of Adjustment) can help support students who have a long term health condition that impacts their study such as mental health illness or a learning disability such as Dyslexia. It can lead to automatic extension of time on assessments as well as in examinations. Once this is in place a student would not have to seek this through a Mitigating Circumstances submission.

How to get a SoA (Summary of Adjustments)

Contact the Disability & Dyslexia Service: Reach out to discuss your specific support needs. You can email them at  or call 020 8392 3636.

You will need to provide medical evidence either with a diagnostic test or medical information via a GP or other health related organisation.

You will also have to complete a disclosure form to put the SoA into place.

If you need further information and support on what kind of information you need to provide or whether you may qualify for an SoA, please contact the Students’ Union Advice Service at

The deadline for this is the 5 March for the next assessment period in Spring.