11 RSU Officers have been elected by students at the University of Roehampton to lead your Students' Union for 2024/25
Each of the 3 Full Time Sabbatical Officers and 8 Part Time Officers work hard to represent the student body and strive to make Roehampton an amazing place for students. Throughout the year, each Officer will improve student life and your University experience by working on their own projects and goals!
Want to find out more about your Officers, their projects & goals for the year, and how to get in touch with them? Simply click on their picture below to learn more!
Full-Time Sabbatical Officers

President Imran Shafiqi
The Students’ Union President is the Chair of the Board of Trustees, sits on the highest decision-making committee at Roehampton, University Council, and is the figurehead of the Students’ Union.

VP Education Irene Reynolds
The Vice President Education sits on a number of high-level committees including Senate and Student Education Committee where the academic strategy of the University is decided.

VP Welfare Adam Fewster
The Vice President Welfare focuses on the delivery of liberation campaigns, mental and physical health provision and general wellbeing across campus.
Part-Time College Presidents
Part-Time College Deputy Presidents