
The Student Complaints Procedure is available to you if you are not satisfied with your experience at the University. 

These complaints can be resolved either formally or informally.

The Advice Service can provide guidance on whether the complaint procedure is appropriate for your specific situation.

Some examples of complaints are:

  • Failure by the University to meets its obligations.
  • Misleading or incorrect information in prospectuses or promotional material
  • Concerns about the delivery of a programme, including teaching, administration or supervision
  • Poor quality of facilities, learning resources or services provided by the University
  • Complaints involving other organisations or contractors providing a service on behalf of the University

Many complaints can be resolved relatively easily and informally.

We recommend that you:

  • First, speak with the person(s) most directly concerned with your complaint.
    • The Programme Convenor, your Personal Tutor, Academic Department Business Managers and other staff within the Department are always prepared to discuss any problems or concerns you have before they become major complaints.
  • Additionally, both the RSU and University understand that under some circumstances an informal route is not always possible.  If this is the case, you will need to follow the formal Students’ Complaint Procedure.

What can the RSU do?

There are several ways the RSU can support you through this process. A member of the RSU can:

  • Explain the full process to you and guide you through the stages
  • Help put together a statement
  • Monitor the progress of your complaint
  • Help to collate appropriate evidence to support your case
  • Come with you to any meetings to provide support and representation

If you would like to contact an advisor, please email